
단 일주일만에 5분의 1 가격으로, 새로운 기능을 인수하다.

단 일주일만에 5분의 1 가격으로, 새로운 기능을 인수하다.

Customer Stories
: Continuous Delays in Launching New Features and Higher-than-Expected Costs for Outsourcing

"We wanted to launch new features, but both the development and product teams were tied up with other projects, making it impossible to proceed quickly. We considered using outsourcing to fill the necessary assets, but it was extremely expensive. In this situation, we wondered if we should wait until the end of the sprint, but the delays kept piling up."

Searching for a Perfect App Service for a Global Client Created by Overseas Developers

Based on the strategic perspective and roadmap understanding of the client, Momentum Maker searched for a global service with the new features the company wanted to launch. As a result, in just one week of searching, we connected them with a global service that perfectly met their needs.

Momentum Maker found a service created by a single overseas developer. Besides that service, the developer was simultaneously working on several other projects. Therefore, anyone wanting to acquire the service wanted to do so quickly and at a low price.

Sealing the Deal in Just One Week at 1/5 the Cost of Outsourcing

1/5th. The purchase price was only 1/5th of the cost that the client initially thought was needed when considering outsourcing. Furthermore, if they had outsourced, it would have taken a long time to plan, design, develop, and localize over several quarters.

Upon hearing this news, the client's representative made the purchase decision in just one hour. The seller also had the need to sell quickly, and Momentum Maker, understanding each party's needs well, started negotiations immediately. From strategic value and synergy assessment to valuation, negotiation, contract drafting, escrow, and payment of the purchase price.

The entire process took just one week until the purchase was made.

Seller's Story
: Selling a Service Like a Child to a Good Acquirer

"With Momentum Maker's help, after confirming the acquirer, I found that the direction of the service that my service would be part of was good, and the business was quite mature. I quickly agreed to the sale because I believe they can take care of my service, which I have put a lot of time and effort into, like a child."

Client Testimonial
: Launched the Service Immediately After Acquisition,
and Users Perceived and Utilized the New Features Well.

We launched the service immediately after the acquisition. The content quality was so high and the feature stability was good that our users naturally recognized and used the new features. Judging from the user response, I realized again that it was a great decision that saved a significant amount of time and money.

It would be difficult to find a partner who understands the company's strategic roadmap well and introduces the desired services appropriately. Introducing the service first and saving time and money was a huge value for us."

Momentum Maker Facilitates Valuable M&A Based on Excellent Business/Product Understanding.

If you wish to find companies or services not available on the market on a global scale, please contact Momentum Maker. Based on an understanding of the company's strategic roadmap, we will find the desired target for you.

Alternatively, if you want to acquire a service with a limited budget, it's a good idea to contact Momentum Maker. With us, M&A deals are possible with a small budget, saving our valuable time.

Lastly, if you find it difficult to negotiate with global founders in English, we can be a good partner. We will take care of the entire negotiation process, including English negotiation, deal structure, and financing."

If you want to find new global momentum,
feel free to consult with us. (Click!)

모멘텀메이커 주식회사

대표자 : 최혜원

서울시 서초구 효령로53길 50, 비112-케이16호(서초동, 지젤시크니티 서초)

사업자등록번호 : 415-86-03159

통신판매업 신고번호 : 2024-서울서초-1480호

© Copyright 2024. All Rights Reserved by 모멘텀메이커

모멘텀메이커 주식회사

대표자 : 최혜원

서울시 서초구 효령로53길 50, 비112-케이16호(서초동, 지젤시크니티 서초)

사업자등록번호 : 415-86-03159

통신판매업 신고번호 : 2024-서울서초-1480호

© Copyright 2024. All Rights Reserved by 모멘텀메이커

모멘텀메이커 주식회사

대표자 : 최혜원

서울시 서초구 효령로53길 50, 비112-케이16호

(서초동, 지젤시크니티 서초)

사업자등록번호 : 415-86-03159

통신판매업 신고번호 : 2024-서울서초-1480호

© Copyright 2024.

All Rights Reserved by 모멘텀메이커

모멘텀메이커 주식회사

대표자 : 최혜원

서울시 서초구 효령로53길 50, 비112-케이16호(서초동, 지젤시크니티 서초)

사업자등록번호 : 415-86-03159

통신판매업 신고번호 : 2024-서울서초-1480호

© Copyright 2024. All Rights Reserved by 모멘텀메이커